
Unlock the power of AI with Eloquent

is pay-per-use (beta)

At Eloquent, you only pay for actual usage of the AI agent. It costs approximately €0.10 per conversation, with input costs of €0.02 per 1000 tokens and output costs of €0.06 per 1000 tokens. Therefore, Eloquent is suitable for both small and large organizations.

Calculate your price

average € 0.20 per conversation

Expected conversations

Budget (€)

Input: €0.02 / 1k tokens and Output: €0.06 / 1k tokens

Input costs occur when you train your AI or when users ask questions through the chat interface. Output costs occur when the AI generates responses. Most tokens are used for input.

View more information about tokens


Everything you need and more!

Unlimited AI agents

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited chats

Train AI on unlimited number of webpages

Train AI on unlimited number of documents

Translate AI on unlimited raw text

Apply your own style

Set your own welcome message

Up to four initial questions

+95 languages

Try it now and receive € 5,- for free

Ready for your own AI agent?

Try Eloquent for free today or contact us for a live demo.

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